

Concepted, developed, and executed with three of the most talented individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with, this campaign was designed to promote body positivity and acceptance across various spectrums impacted by harmful expectations of beauty.

While many of the following words are not my own, each of our fingerprints can be seen in all of the developed work. That said, let’s get into it.

Targeting male, female, and nonbinary individuals, the campaign aims to challenge restrictive beauty standards and societal norms to encourage a more inclusive approach to beauty. Current conceptions of beauty are limited and often exclude those who do not conform to traditional gender norms, presenting an opportunity for brands to expand their appeal beyond traditional demographics

The Approach

As it stands, beauty standards are highly restrictive in who they are made for. There are many misconceptions around beauty and makeup use that lead to shameful comments and assumptions about those who do not subscribe to societal views of beauty. Many beauty brands opt to appeal to women, as society says women are the users of makeup and the possessors of skin care routines. In the past, Dove has been guilty of subscribing to this narrative, giving special focus to women in their advertising efforts. In order to rectify this misconception and shift the narrative to be more inclusive, it is essential that those who fall outside the norm be prominently featured in media- not just added as an afterthought. The objective is to promote self care and body positivity beyond the norm. As it is, there is heavy disregard, neglect, and oftentimes shame for those who stray from these standards which negatively impacts self esteem. This campaign will focus on breaking the standard and encouraging more inclusive beauty that is welcoming to all.

The Campaign

The #BeautyBeyond campaign aims to empower individuals who fall outside the traditional norms of beauty and invite them to share their unique perspectives using photography. The idea is to position Dove as influential in challenging the status quo. Branded photo booths will be placed in several US locations. A collaboration will be pursued with Polaroid, to help their audiences reclaim their personal narrative and showcase their individuality through selfies and self definitions. A social media campaign using the hashtag #BeautyBeyond will be launched in conjunction with this, inviting people to share their photos and stories of what beauty means to them. Participants will be encouraged to fill in the blank with their own definition of beauty, fostering a sense of inclusivity and empowerment.

The Tactics: Digital/Social

Collaborating with influencers, content creators, and every day people who embody these values, the campaign aims to engage its audience through interactive campaigns, including hashtag movements and live sessions, creating both dialogue and community engagement. By building dedicated online spaces for discussion and support, Dove seeks to create a safe environment where individuals can connect and share their stories, while also providing educational resources to promote self-confidence and body positivity. Partnering with experts and organizations in diversity and inclusion, Dove will advocate for social issues and take a stand every time it matters. Continuous listening and responsiveness to feedback will work to guide the brand in refining its approach, while metrics such as engagement rates and sentiment analysis will measure the impact of its efforts, ensuring progress towards inclusivity goals and enhancing brand loyalty.

The Tactics: Commercials

By selecting high-impact slots during television programming that aligns with Dove’s values, Dove maximizes its reach to a diverse audience demographic. These placements not only ensure exposure to a wide range of viewers but also allow Dove to integrate its message seamlessly into content that resonates with themes of acceptance, empowerment, and community. Furthermore, strategic partnerships with networks and channels committed to diversity and social responsibility amplify Dove’s message, reinforcing its brand identity as a champion of inclusivity


Work Samples